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Victim of NY gun law has a Gofundme page
Posted by David Hardy · 18 June 2019 07:35 PM
A couple of weeks ago I reported the case of a New York resident who shot two home invaders, and then was arrested on felony charges because the gun he used, which he'd inherited from his father, was not registered. He now has a Gofundme page, which has already exceeded its total requested.
Hat tip to David Codrea for the story.
I'm a bit late chiming into this topic, but it seems to me that there are too many stories like this popping up in the news.
There has been a multi-generational shift in public opinions about Constitutional Rights, and I blame it all on the political Left which has no platform except "Whatever the Right is in favor of, we're against it!"
There's probably no way to effectively counter this New Wave, partly because it's spewed by the Education System and partly because we haven't had a real-live shooting war for so long, people seem to think that there's no need to assiduously demand all their Rights.
So much of what people have today comes to them from The Government, which has gladly accepted the Parental role over a generation which has never had to "work or starve".
The Second World War generation knew better. Those who didn't literally fight were supported by an industrious public who only wanted to be free of the domination they watched overwhelm half of their world.
It's tempting to suggest that we need another international emergency such as WWII, but I fear that this generation has been lulled by a paternalistic government to the point that they wouldn't recognize infringement on their Constitution even when it rises up and bites them on their ass.
Which is only the next step ....