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Major 2A victory in California
Duncan v. Becerra, striking down California's ban on magazines holding more than ten rounds. Chuck Michel claims the victory. I haven't done more than skim the opinion -- it's 86 pages long!
Of course, since this is the Ninth Circuit, don't hold your breath yet. But with New York State Rifle and Pistol pending in the Supreme Court, this may be part of the next wave of serious appellate challenges.
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With what is going on in NJ that is another place where this opinion would be welcomed
Whoopie Dingy!! If the supreme court hadn't fouled everything up in Barron (1833), we wouldn't be having to fight all these state level battles. Marshall was an idiot, unable to grasp simple relationships. And so we have a mess that will never be straightened out. But then the court did transfer a lot of power to itself through those early incorrect decisions.
Solid opinion, but I wish the judge had used a better editor.
Trump-style capitalization and sentence fragments got groans from me and I would not have used the true-crime anecdotes as an intro to improve readability.
Then there's his statement that AP ammo bans are a "good idea." WTF. Where did that come from?
Rkh: "the true-crime anecdotes as an intro"
agreed. Recalls a Reason article about how some SupCt justices lard up the intros to their rulings with emotional appeals. But we take solace in the results, no?
Meanwhile I'd like to establish a more faithful reading of Miller: "common use" means commonly used by the forces that a militia might oppose. Every terrible implement of the Soldier is our birthright.
Judge Benitez issued a partial stay of his order on April 4.
1) the 'possession' stay in force before last Friday, Mar 29, is still in force.
2) Magazines ordered, but not necessarily delivered, by April 5, 5 PM PDT, are legal under the March 29 court order
Am I dreaming? Is this real?