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British victimization studies understate crime rates
It turns out the British crime victimization survey, the British Crime Survey, has since its inception had an artificial cap: no one may report having been a victim of more than five crimes in a year. Victimization No. 6 and beyond are simply discarded.
One might think that'd not have a big influence -- but a study by Professor Graham Farrell of Loughborough University finds that it means the real violent crime rate is 82% higher than what is being reported -- 4.4 million incidents per year rather than 2.4. That comes just from adding back in people who are being victimized 5+ times a year!
"In particular, the system means that the most vulnerable people in society may not be getting the police protection they require from repeat offenders, the report said."
[Hat tip to Dan Gifford]
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Fred Reed http://fredoneverything.net/FOE_Frame_Column.htm
has an excellent column on crime and the general situation in the U.S. I suspect Britain is closer to the breaking point in a parallel situation.
If being victimised every two months or so is acceptable to the British public, I'm truly sorry...if that happened to me or mine, and the police did nothing, there would likely be blood on the floor and bodies buried under my patio. Society owes prosecution of the wrong doer and protection of the innocent to every citizen, or the right to protect and defend oneself with a weapon, or the society is totally bankrupt and can't last.