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At last there is a media rival....
At last there is a rival to the media's constant descriptions of denials of certiorari as "upholding" the decision below. I've seen this several times in the last few months:
"...and other supporters say they will get the 60 votes needed on Tuesday to resume debate in the 100-member Senate."
Note to reporters supposedly covering Capitol Hill: a cloture vote CUTS OFF debate. What do you think they are doing right now, if not debating?
· media
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Actually, the report was not wrong. This was a cloture vote (i.e. cutting off debate and proceeding to vote) on a procedural motion to start talking about the Immigration Bill again.
The next cloture vote is on Thursday. That will be a vote to cut off debate on the bill itself and proceed to a vote on it.
You don't want to know what I think they're doing.
Cloture, schmloture. They got the 60 votes they needed. Dudes and dudettes, the Establishment desperately wants this bill passed and the Establishment almost always get what it wants. In fact, I can't recall ever seeing a situation where the Establish didn't eventually get what it wanted. It remains to be seen (actually it doesn't because we will never know) what promises were made and deals struck to get the necessary votes.