GoA Hits Gold in FOIA Suit
GoA v. ATF, DC District Court. GoA filed a FOIA lawsuit, "seeking records about a secret government surveillance program which unlawfully and unconstitutionally monitors and records the firearm purchases of American citizens who are perfectly eligible to purchase and possess firearms."
ATF disclosed some records, then discovered that it had disclosed some it meant to keep secret, and it got a protective order from the court forbidding GoA to publicize them. GOA, thru Stephen Stamboulieh, now moves to lift the protective order. Here's another note from the motion:
"As Plaintiffs explained, the NICS Monitoring Program underlying Plaintiffs' FOIA request violates several provisions of federal law requiring the destruction of NICS records within 24 hours of approval, and prohibiting the creation of federal registries of gun owners."
..Dave, are there any punishment provisions in those broken federal laws that could send anyone to jail ?