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Legal challenge to California permit procedures
SAF, GOA, and California Rifle and Pistol are bringing suit challenging California's carry permit procedures, in terms of delay and cost, and unavailability to non-residents. Sounds like they did a very good job of picking plaintiffs!
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The true argument is that the courts screwed up the 2nd, first with Barron and later when the courts said We need permits to conceal carry. Pulled that out of some nether region since the term "to bear" places no limit on how and includes the use of the weapon in defense of oneself and one's state. Can't defend anything if the term bear doesn't include use and in none of the similar 2nd style amendment is it written, to keep, to bear, and to use.
Courts always mess things up because they don't grasp the Creator/created standard for deciding law.
And if a boy really wants to dream big, this case could put some teeth back into full faith & credit clause. Why should a citizen of Utah, with or without a state granted permission slip, lose the right to self protection for merely crossing an imaginary, man-made line within the boundaries of the US?
And it's the courts who put the holes in the FF&C clause which is an absolute command to the states to accept the public acts, records AND judicial decisions of the other states. While Congress MAY make general laws, that part of the FF&C excludes Congress from making specific laws. Any Congressional law has to apply to EVERY public act, record and judicial proceeding, not just some. Thus if Congress were to restrict CCW then Congress has to restrict marriage licenses, DL and all other state actions. No specifics.
Far Out! Excellent news!