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Nevada ruling on right to jury trial in domestic violence misdemeanor cases
Anderson v. 8th Judicial District. Ct. (2022). The test for right to a jury trial is whether the legislature seems to have treated the offense in question as "petty" or "serious," and the US Supreme Court has ruled that a potential sentence of six months or less should be presumed "petty" (although six months in a cell doesn't seem very "petty" to me).
The Nevada Supreme Court ruled that the legislature, in adding a gun prohibition to the consequences of a DV conviction, had shown it now considers the violation "serious," so that jury trial must be allowed. It cited Heller and McDonald.
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No, probably not. With the likes of California's Rob Bonta as Attorney General, I could see it even including parking violations. He's already encouraged sheriffs to comb social media accounts for politically incorrect posts when considering CCW permits.
Rob REALLY Wants to Lose Big Time Before the Supreme Court then!
As the push to restrict gun rights grows to encompass more offences, would it be too far fetched to suppose it could come to include traffic offences someday?