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Restrictive carry bill fails in California!
As part of the state's "massive resistance" to the Court's enforcement of the Second Amendment, a restrictive carry bill was proposed in the legislature. Last night it defeated or died, together with another bill to add taxes to firearm sales.
With the Court's striking of "good cause" requirements, this means that Californians now can get carry permits and carry, a big loss for the other side!
Big hat tip to reader Andrew Endsley...
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As I understand it, one of the legislators who didn't vote for the carry bill's passage was already elected to become a Sheriff next year, and his office would have had to process those more arduous permit applications.
Otherwise he might have supported that bill.
I could be mistaken.
The reason this bill didn't pass is it was filed as an an 'urgency bill'.
Such emergency legislation requires 2/3 votes in each house to pass;
normal bills just require simple majorities in each house.
As I also seem to recall, 'normal' legislation in year X becomes active
1 Jan in year X+1, while emergency legislation becomes active
immediately after passage & and governor's signature (or a veto override).