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When the other side loses....
.... they start calling names. California Governor Newsome called the judge ""a stone cold ideologue. He is a wholly owned subsidiary of the gun lobby of the National Rifle Association." He added, "We need to call this federal judge out. He will continue to do damage, mark my word, This is a very focused agenda to work through this judge, where the decision's already made before it's even presented, who writes 'press releases' on behalf of the gun lobby."
NRA wasn't even a party to the lawsuit, which was backed by SAF, Gun Rights Policy Coalition, and San Diego County Gun Owners PAC!
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It's Newsome. He's lying. It's what he is.
It that intellectually stunted fool said it was a beautiful sunny day, I'd take a flashlight and go check.
The title nails it, "when the other side loses". Brother, it's SHTF time, and anything goes.
Free speech is their speech only.
They have peaceful protest, anything else is "armed insurrection" (even with no weapons).
We all know plenty of examples of the Left's hypocrisy, so I'll leave the dead horse alone.
But, but the NRA, the NRA. It's all their fault