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5 Million New Gun Owners in 2020
That's NSSF's estimate. Of course that doesn't mean five million new activists, but it might just mean one million, partway thru an election year.
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All purchases thru an FFL (except for buyers who have a state carry permit that requires a NICS background check within the last five years) are required to be checked against the NIC database.
In most states the FFL does this directly to the FBI NICS by phone or electronically.
Seven states split the task: The state handles handgun purchase background checks, which includes accessing the NICS database, and the FFL contacts the FBI directly for long gun purchases.
Thirteen states, include CA, PA, and FL, do the background check processing for FFL purchases themselves which includes the state directly accessing the NICS database.
So all states use NICS in some fashion, and the NICS numbers include all states.
There have been 25.9 million NICS checks this year alone (since 1 Jan).
I understand that NICS checks are an imperfect indicator of gun sales...but 1/6? Especially since some large states (Florida, California, Pennsylvania to name three) do not use NICS at all?
What adjustments does the NSSF and FBI use to calculate that number?