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They never stop....
Class action lawsuit filed in Canada against Smith and Wesson. Its theory is that one of their revolvers (which was stolen before criminal use) is unacceptably dangerous because it lacks "smart gun" technology.
I forget the details of international law, but seem to remember that one country can enforce the judgments of another unless the judgment run contrary to its own public policy. Which surely seems to be the case here.
I don't know the Canadian rules for civil practice, but if they are like the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, I wonder why it's a class action. There are few enough plaintiffs to file as a regular, if rather large, suit.
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I wonder if Canada's police forces or military purchase anything from Smith and Wesson. Or, for that matter, any major American firearms company. This would be a time for all manufactures to stand together, and tell Canada that they can look elsewhere for their weapons, because American companies stands together, and won't stand for being played.
Just like the American gun companies should do with Remington and the lawsuit for Sandy Hook, or what ever it is that is suing them for selling a rifle that actually shot bullets when some piece of shit pulled the trigger.
LOL, did the terrorist jump through all the hoops to get his PAL (Possession and Acquisition License)? It involves a two day class, and an extensive background investigation starting with fingerprints, and involving both the provincial police and the RCMP. Total cost was around $600 Cnd for me...
And, was the firearm imported legally into Canada? Was it validated by an RCMP approved inspector (my 4" .357 was prohibited, because the barrel has to be LONGER than 4". My Glock G30, with a 3.95", threaded barrel? Hell no, twice: Too short, and threaded makes it legally the same as a silencer.
And finally, why not sue the Crown, for allowing the terrorist (and from what I understand, his family) to commit criminal acts. After all, all these laws and they didn't stop the murders.