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Constitutional carry goes into effect in Oklahoma
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Constitutional carry is in every state. It's just that stupid people like the judiciary don't understand the 2nd and THINK they have the authority to tell the People what it means.
Too bad folks can't seem to understand the relationship of Creator/created or Superior/subordinate. Hamilton covered that concept. I've tried to teach that concept for 20 yrs. But here it is:
Who's the Boss? The Creator or the created? The superior or the subordinate?
Between the People and the Constitution, which is the Creator/Superior?
Between the Constitution and the 3 branches of government, which is the Creator/Superior?
How can the subordinate define or determine the extent of the superior?
Only by lying, cheating, usurping, brain-washing.
The courts DO NOT HAVE legitimate authority to tell the People, their boss, what any of the Constitution means or its extent. That is a lie perpetrated on the ignorant. And that lie has worked for a long time. It is time for the People to wake up and understand that WE are in charge and that the courts and government was created to serve us.
Readd Blackstone Book 1, Chp 3, Pg 205/6