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New York compliant AR-15?
Story here. Among the comments was "Quit looking for ways to skirt the law," when what they had done was to conform to it. And in the process show how meaningless it is.
Neither they nor any inventors of AW bans realize how the separate pistol grip came about -- it's an artifact of the design. Recoil comes along a line that centers on the barrel -- that's where the action and reaction occur. The standard rifle design had the buttstock and thus the shooter's shoulder several inches below the line of the barrel. This created some muzzle flip, but it was tolerable when firing shots one at a time. In full auto, it was not tolerable.
The solution, starting I believe with the German MP-44, was to move the barrel lower, putting the gas tube on top, and to raise the buttstock up to where it was just below the line of the barrel.
But that if the area where the trigger hand grips is raised that far, the position become ergonomically awkward, if not impossible. Hence the pistol grip, separate from the buttstock.
· AW bans
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Yup, Sendarius. It's a lot easier to fire an M1 Carbine (traditional rifle style stock) from the hip than an M1A1 Carbine (pistol grip, folding stock), because of the grip angle.
Interestingly, that ergonomic pistol grip feature (so loathed by the anti-gun crowd) makes "spray fire from the hip" (the REASON that crowd wants it banned) almost impossible.
Forgive the clunky sentence construction - you know what I mean.