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Growth of Federal LE
Egad. No wonder there are ammo shortages. Federal LEOs number about 25,000, and almost every agency has them. The Corporation for National and Community Service (which I'd never heard of) has 9. HUD has 264. DHS has 686. EPA has 265.
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FWIW -- Border Patrol is the largest single agency count, at something over 36,000, if memory serves.
The 25,000 figure you mention is (according to the link) just those "in federal agencies not traditionally associated with crime-fighting."
Thank goodness all these officers are all sworn to uphold the Constitution and protect the People. If they were just civil servants in it for the pay and pension in a "do what I tell you to do" banana republic way, it would lead to an "us vs. them" mentality. Then we'd all be in trouble...
The federal government can have roughly 6 criminal laws. Those police powers are to punish counterfeiting, to punish treason, to punish and define piracies and felonies ON THE HIGH SEAS, to punish and define offenses against the law of nations, and to secure copyrights and patents. No other federal police powers exist. Those who believe the N&P clause brings implied police powers into being do so by calling the Framers stupid. If the N&P worked as is claimed then most of the other grants of powers are wholly unnecessary and those idiots who wrote the Constitution just wasted a bunch of time and argument for naught. If police powers impliedly exist in all the areas that the feds have passed laws, why the heck did the Framers bother to list those they did in the Constitution. No logical answer to why the Framers chose what they did and what they left out except that what was left out was withheld. No person capable of exercising valid logic and reason will interpret the Constitution to allow the feds to exercise all this police power. As was often stated and the time of the framing, the police power is left to the states. The feds have usurped these powers and unconstitutionally punished millions of citizens.
The numbers you mention for HUD, DHS and EPA are only the “criminal investigators.” One would think that the numer of LEOs who are not criminal investigators at those agencies would be much higher.
Way off. Sworn federal LEOS (power to arrest and carry firearms) numbered over 120,000 as of 2008. Since then - who knows -- but it hasn't gone down. we won't know until the 2012 quadrennial results are published -- probably next year.