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The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence isn't always against gun violence
When gun violence is perpetrated by a government agency, then the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence thinks it's OK, or at least not very bad.
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Coalition to Stop Gun Violence spokesman Ladd Everitt doesn't care because the victims are Mexican.
If they were white, he'd jump to all kinds of crazy conclusions. But what can you expect from someone who continues to deny the racist roots of gun control?
While I certainly don't have any evidence to rule it out, Everitt and his cohorts needn't be racist to make the sort of claims he has. I feel fairly certain that he wouldn't mind particularly how many people of whatever race or ethnic background were killed with guns, as long as it was part of a government plan to restrict firearm ownership by the commoners. After all, some times you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.
The CSGV and VPC have hypocritical on this issue ... they tend to up-play domestic violence involving guns, while now they are down-playing Mexican violence involving ATF-walked guns.
However, I think that "our side" ought to be careful regarding such double-standards. I've read many a piece that tended to down-play gun violence rates domestically, while I've read pieces tending to up-play violence involving ATF-walked guns.
While we all recognize that our gun rights are a political football (and despise that fact), we should be ever-mindful to promote objectivity and truthfulness.
Objectivity and truthfullness IS what our side is promoting.
The domestic gun violence rate is individuals making bad decisions with an instrument that is, for the most part, legally sold and owned and protected by the constitution.
The ATF walked guns and our government was purposefully arming international criminals. I was going to word this in a more politically friendly way, but this is exactly what it is. Also, I'm not even going to speculate on motive. It's clear they weren't doing it to catch bad guys, so it was either to assist the cartels in the murder of civilians, or to create fodder for anti-gunners to restrict further a constitutional right. Either way, murder was committed by American government sponsored criminals.
If mexico was a bit bigger with a bit more power, and we were a bit smaller with a bit less power, I would think mexico would call the operation out for what it is: An act of war.
I think that deserves a bit of playing up when compared to domestic gun violence!
And another point; No media, national or local, is going to "play up" anything bad this libtard administration does, including facilitating the murder of hundreds/tens/whatevers of innocent Mexicans. They will use whatever means necessary to sweep whatever they have to under the rug, while running rigged specials about students and guns, and telling us what are obvious lies about guns in mexico(WTF are the Mexicans paying retail for on semi-auto guns when the afghans figured out how to make fully auto themselves for pennies on the dollar? )
I doubt any of us would even know the truth about fast and furious if it wasn't for small blogs "up-playing" the whole thing. I hope we continue "up-playing" until some justice is served for the people that this mess has killed.
Pretty amazing isn't it? Not that we haven't always known that, but that they said it publicly, to a reporter.