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Fast & Furious: local newspaper tries to grill sheriff
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"Why the frequent combination of talking about Fast & Furious and doing campaign fundraising?"
(I respectfully suggest Sheriff Babeu answer as follows.)
Fundraisers are usually scheduled long in advance and I always answer questions from the audience. The number one topic people ask about now is "Fast and Furious". It has been the first question so often that it is obviously why many people come to see me. I get the same question on the street, in coffee shops and restaurants and I give them same answer, if I have time. There is no admission cost to most of my fundraisers. If you want an update on Fast and Furious, show up and ask questions and and because I have more time to answer than I do on the street, I will gladly go into greater detail. Or, you could provide a forum for me to issue weekly updates on "Fast and Furious" in a non-political setting.
I have to commend the sheriff for using language that does not violate the decades-old "guns don't kill people, people kill people" mantra. His words are carefully chosen. There is far too much "Brian Terry was killed by a Fast and Furious gun" language coming from people who should know better.
Looks like the sheriff handled all the questions quite well.