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Ah, the traditional mass media!
Thug robs older lady, for pure fun pistol whips the heck out of her, is pursued by a person, turns and aims at his pursuer ... only to find he has a pistol and a concealed carry permit, and is a good shot. OK, at least the story had a good ending.
Shot in the Dark points out, tho, that the local (Miinneapolis) media have been trying to turn it into a tragedy, and not based on the lady whose face the thug smashed up. Why, “He has a good, loving family, and he has lots of friends. He wasn’t 100 percent bad,” his mother, Mary Evanovich of Minneapolis, said in an interview Thursday." He died in his sister's arms. She was conveniently present, since she was his accomplice in the robbery. No mention, of course, of the robber having aimed at the defender, and the beating of the lady becomes "accosting" her.
· media
No comments, how strange. I have a hunch based on what I have seen the lame-stream media in the past. I believe there is more to this than just the shooting part. Follow the link here to the story and from there follow the TV report (link) on this matter. Its pretty clear that this is based on an agenda beyond just guns and a man defending an old lady's life. The reporters who spin such stories are the source of why this country is losing its moral high ground. Thats my two cents.