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Sen. Glassley lights a fire under Operation GunWalker
This is hard hitting. The vast majority of gun seized in Mexico are not traced, of those that are traced the vast majority do not trace to American FFLs, of those that do trace to folks with an American FFL... the majority trace to the Mexican government, which apparently holds an FFL.
Hat tip to reader Jim Kindred....
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Fantastic to see the truth beginning to emerge. This pierces the heart of the argument that we need more gun control in the US to stop the violence in Mexico.
I predict this truth will be ignored by the media and the White House.
This really is big news, as it shows that ATF has directly and deliberately misrepresented data about the small subset of guns that their traces show originated in the U.S.
Until now, arguments about “what percentage of Mexican crime guns come from the U.S.” turned on relatively arcane and complex arguments about sampling, Mexican police procedures, and trace processes. Now we find out that two-thirds of the guns that ATF has been claiming are from the U.S. were never sold through a U.S. FFL – instead, they were delivered directly to foreign militaries.
Pretty much prima facie proof that U.S. gun stores and gun shows have nothing to do with guns in Mexico.
As my dad used to say, "Well, THAT about sums it up."
Dann in Ohio