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Long gun reporting requirement delayed
Article here. The WashPo of course spins it as "White House budget officials dealt federal firearms investigators a setback Friday..." Yep, those pro-gun cowboys in the Obama Administration...
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Did you notice in the article that all long-guns are now assault weapons?
"The decision delays for at least two months a proposed requirement that gun dealers along the Mexican border report anyone who buys two or more assault weapons in five days."
Dann in Ohio
From the previous post, looks like ATF does not have the manpower to follow up on suspicious purchase as it is. What are they going to do with reports of someone buying two gun other than put the purchaser's name in a computer data base?
I think the delay has a lot to do with the letter from 17 Senators, pointing out that BATFE lacks authority to do this.
Yeah, the WaPO where actually FOLLOWING THE LAW is a bad thing.