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Excellent shooting under pressure
Story here. The officer survived because when the would-be killer stuck the gun in his face, the hammer dropped on a fired round, and the officer swatted the gun with his flashlight as he fell back and drew. Thereafter he greatly improved the auto's air ventilation systems.
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Ah...but if you or I shot at a fleeing perpetrator, who was "only trying to leave the scene" and "no longer posed a threat"...where would we be legally?
We're allowed to shoot an attacker or robber or burglar as long as they're threatening us...
Excellent question above. I have notice that a number of states have passed laws to protect citizens who use deadly force in their homes and in some cases on their property. Clearly some unelected officials do have a view that only government has a right to violence and not citizens. This is an example of it in this case. Yes the police officer saved his life by quick actions and thankfully so. But once the policeman was behind the SUV and it was pulling away did the policeman really need to empty his gun into the SUV? Was the policeman thinking that he needed to to save a life because this guy was a killer, which he almost was. But would the run of the mill citizen get the same pass?
I citizen who did this would most assuradly be in the cooler at this moment.
14 rounds into a car driving away? Is that reasonable and prudent?
That is some hella good gunfighting. It took him just a second to realize what was happening, even after he saw the gun, but he immediately started running for the back of the vehicle, drew his weapon smoothly, and then unloaded in what appeared to be a fairly controlled manner with good stance. I've heard people unloading a gun as fast as they can, and that's not what it sounds like, IMO. Also, he advances on the car while firing, and it looks more or less like a textbook heel-toe rock. This guy is either the most natural shooter ever, or he trains a lot.