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Replacements for Justice Stevens
David Kopel gives his thoughts on likely replacements.
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Obama hasn't done one surprising thing yet.
Given his flatly-stated belief that only the government should possess firearms (see Richard Pearson, Executive Director, Illinois State Rifle Association), we can safely assume the nominee will intone that he or she believes all that rights stuff, but government is still more important and righteous and good than the citizens it deigns to take care of.
My money's still on Sunstein, and he's a raving statist who despises guns.
You should pray the nominee is Sunstein. He is far and away a better choice for America than Harold Koh. Harold Koh is a raving internationalist who despises the very idea that the United States is somehow an exceptional country.
Please correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Sunstein claim that the government is, in some circumstances, entitled to remove organs from "terminally ill" patients without their permission? Given the financial value of organs, I would think that, if true, this should be a matter of grave concern for any sane person.
Being from RI, I can tell you that everyone I know, regardless of their position on gun control, is absolutely horrified that Sheldon Whitehouse is actually on a list for SCOTUS! If is absolutely horriffic.
It seems that every supreme court justice has surprised his/her nominator with his/her decisions. Perhaps this new one will surprise with the 2nd amendment. Or perhaps after its ruling in Chicago v. McDonald, the Court will have had enough of the 2nd amendment for several more decades.