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Chicago's Superintendent of Police Bugs Out
Story here. Apparently he was giving a video interview on problems in a high crime area when gunshots were heard nearly, he said "I've gotta run," and vanished. Officers at the scene of the shooting say wherever he ran to, it wasn't their crime scene. A retired police sergeant has filed a complaint, accusing the Superintendent of cowardice.
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Kind of reminds you of the police response at Columbine, don't it?
Buncha b#@chin' about "cop-bashing" in 3,2,1...
Superintendent Weis isn't a cop, so bashing him wouldn't be cop-bashing.
At the sounds of the shooting, dozens of real police officers rushed towards the gunfire.
Weis was whisked away by his bodyguards and disappeared.
Weis is one of the most disrespected people in the City of Chicago. Somehow, he managed to make it worse.
Weiss is the canary in the coal mine. His actions tell us what we can expect.
All of them will run when they have finally pushed so far that we won't let them get back on the peaceful side of the line.
I'm sure he just needed an excuse to get away so he could get into the nearest phone booth and change into his superhero costume.
Just goes to show, when you take away the gun rights of regualr citizens, ONLY THE CROOKS HAVE THEM...and frankly, the crooks don't care where they shoot.
Once the Supreme Court overturns Chicago's Draconic gun laws, maybe they'll take a lesson from Florida and just write Anti-Crook Laws instead of Anti-Gun Laws???
Look Up 10-20-Life for a look at REAL gun laws that actually STOP crime :D
I am guessing he was traveling without his bodyguards.