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Britain deploying subgun armed police
Story here. And here's a report from the London Telegraph. Which doesn't notice that the story is about arming police with H&K subguns, while the illustration is of an M4/M16.
"Gill Marshall-Andrews, chairwoman of the Gun Control Network campaign group, described the routine arming of officers as a "very retrograde step" and warned that it could lead to higher levels of gun crime.
"This is likely to raise the stakes and encourage more criminals, especially young criminals, to arm themselves," she said."
So criminals will be nice so long as the police are helpless, but will get nasty if the police can do something. That also says a lot for the arms laws that group, I assume, defends, -- criminals can arm themselves at will, should police choose to arm themselves.
Hat tip to reader Nick Lidakis....
· non-US
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British Policeman with guns will do exactly what?
Do you know the case of Fiona Pilkington?
Young criminals couldn't possibly arm themselves...guns are not allowed in Britain...nor are knives!
Having said that, from what I've seen of the skill levels and mental aptitudes of British police, even the "elite" marksmen who took out the Brazilian electrician, I'm not sure a sub gun, aka sub-machine-gun, is a good thing to have in their hands. Even in the wilds of New York and Chicago the cops don't routinely carry full-auto or select-fire guns, only SWAT teams going on a specified raid...hopefully to the right address.