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Amicus briefs in Chicago 14th Amendment case
They're all posted here. Five for the Plaintiffs/Appellants, four for the scoundrels.
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Well, I have now read the first two. And I'll post more comments as I go:
1) Law Enforcement Amicus: This is basically a synopsis of the social science around firearms including utility for defensive gun use and associated statistics as well as some analysis of prevention, defensive uses, and even penumbra such as the idea that non-gun owners benefit from others' gun ownership. There is some particularly interest quantitative analysis of burglary across sovereigns and states that have/don't have gun ownership. It reads very clearly, and actually has some great points on DGU studies. It also has some great qualitative information from criminals about victim selection with regards to gun ownershuip.
2) Law Professors/Constitutional Accountability Center: This one focuses on incorporation and it's history WRT to fundamental rights, precedent, and framer-intent. A VERY worth read, and easy to read as well. The Law Profs focus on Priveleges and Immunities, while not ignoring Due Process clause. They give a good background of framers' intent, and context around why they believe Slaughterhouse should not hold against this particular issue. Also some great writing about the Reconstruction era attempts by Southern states to specifically disarm freed black slaves and northern whites.
I'll add some more later maybe.
Can someone please give a list of the ongoing or recent federal cases involving incorporation of the Second Amendment against the states?
I'm aware of Nordyke v. King in the 9th Circuit, Maloney v. Rice in the Second Circuit, and the Chicago Gun Case in the Seventh Circuit. Isn't there also a case in the Fifth Circuit?
Does anyone else find the Chicago Board of Education, et al. brief to be so full of crap that it should be used for fertilizer?
I'm curious. In the admittedly short review I made, I saw no mention of Nordyke. IANAL. This there any summary of these briefs for those of us not fluent in lawyerese?