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Must be the week for 2A lawsuits
A ways back, Bob Barr filed suit for a Georgia FFL (Adventure Outdoor Sports) targeted by Mayor Bloomberg's "stings," alleging that Bloomberg had slandered the owner. Bloomberg's guys got it removed to Federal court, and argued NY law, giving public officials a wide privilege against defamation suits, should apply. (BTW, those are two different issues. A Georgia court, or its federal district court, may still apply New York law under certain conditions). The federal district court ruled that New York law did not apply, and Bloomberg appealed.
Today the 11th Circuit US Circuit Court of Appeals handed Bloomberg his mayorial hindquarters. The news report is confusing, but apparently the appeals court ordered that the US district court should return the lawsuit to State court.
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...Dare I hope to pass his Nibs while he cuts weeds alongst the byway as a member of...the chain gang ?
...Takin' it off here Boss. Get me maw rifle, boy........
Great company, by the way! Adventure Outdoors has very friendly and knowledgeable staff and the lowest prices around.
I'm glad to hear that they're still fighting. Bloomberg deserves more negative press about his illegal straw purchases.
I'm confused.
Mayor Bloomberg has instructed/convinced/coerced others to make straw purchases in Ga. apparently.
Is this not illegal in and of itself?
Is there not something like a RICO act that makes this unlawful?
Can't the people who made the illegal purchases be extradited to Ga, and given a lenient sentence if they squeal on Bloomberg?
After all, he HAS to pass through Hartsfield sooner or later. Maybe the sheriff would like to greet him next time.
Could it be we see Bloomie with his mayoral hindquarters
remanded to Cobb County Jail when he looses?