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Ken Blackwell running for RNC chair
Ken Blackwell, NRA director, throws his hat into the ring for RNC chair.
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yeah, can the repubs remember that old air force slogan and aim a bit higher please.
I'm certainly very excited that Ken Blackwell's thrown his hat into the ring. He's a proven leader on almost all issues that define the Republican party - he lead a campaign to reduce Ohio real estate taxes, fought for a state constitution amendment to prevent same-sex marriages, and has taken firm stances on gun control. Don't believe me, listen to this interview on the G. Gordon Liddy show where he discusses the DC gun rights law and the 2nd amendment. Overall, it's tough to imagine a more well-rounded conservative to lead the party.
If you need a guy who talks a tremendous game and can deliver no real strategy or tactics to accompllish anything, Ken Blackwell is your guy. There's a reason this guy is toast in Ohio.