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NRO: Second Amendment defenders are winning
National Review Online gives its take.
[Thanks -- link fixed].
Update: I like this take: "The Gun Rights Voters are the ones in charge. The NRA is merely one of their mechanisms. This gibbering again postures the NRA as a large evil lobby rather than the lobby of 4 million citizens."
At The Bitchgirls, Bitter has some good observations as well.
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Your link is pointing to your webmail.
Nice article.
One nit: I don't think it was the NRA who led the charge against the OSHA regs. I think that had a lot more to do with a notice on this blog, and on Instapundit, the resulting avalanche of negative comments filed with OSHA, and the calls by gun owners to people in Congress.
Actually, that's not the case. Based on what I observed, NSSF was the first on the case and published it in their email list which is mostly geared toward dealers and industry folks. In days following the email, it showed up on a couple of blogs. As it was appearing on blogs that week, NRA also published it and it really took off. It was really the appropriate industry group that lead the charge, not bloggers and NRA who just spread word to average gun owners instead of just to gun shop owners.
Of course, it's one of the many things I took Ramesh to task over when it came to getting his facts right about the gun movement and NRA's role. I'm not anti-NRA in my screed, just anti-sloppy reporting. The org suffers from not getting enough credit sometimes, too much others, and the same goes for blame. Rarely does a mass media representative actually get it right when it comes to how a lobby effort or other activist initiative got started.
As long as Hillary doesn't win.
Newsmax had her nationally at 47%
and Giuliani at 41%.
What the Hell?
The Election is 15 months away!
Wrong link, maybe? The link given just directs to an Earthlink webmail login page, not an NRO article.