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Warning re viruses
Since I've got my address on several websites, and probably in many inboxes as well, I usually get the first wave of any email viruses. One started going around today, focusing on trying to get you to open a contaminated .zip file. Some of the emails are plausible, but some are rather amusing ... notices from CIA and FBI that they have logged you on "illegal" websites and ask you to open the attached zip file to see their questions.
Another variant is emails from gsa (General Services Administration), with different messages--you've been added to a database or mailing list, here's your password, did you lose my email address, etc.
· Personal
Got one today: "Hi We're from the CIA, answer questions contained in this executable .zip file" Then there'is the ever popular: "This is your bank. We carelessly lost your login and password please provide those to us so we can serve you better." I was born at night but I wasn't born last night. They are actually all from the Nigerian Secret Police.