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NY, other states sue US over printable guns
Story here. A little late. The issue was over removal of restrictions on internet availability of the code to print the receivers, and as I recall the code is now hosted at several overseas sites. So the suit is probably vulnerable to a motion to dismiss for mootness and lack of standing (inability to provide relief, hence no case and controversy).
Of course, if the only object is to garner some publicity and create appearances -- by the look of the Twitter comments, that is succeeding.
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...The fantasy that Progs can outlaw the actual out of existence is strong . Reminds me of the Catholic Churches attempt to deny science where it challenged scripture or their dogma.
...The reformation resulted and the universal church had/has to accomidatie Protestants evermore. The 30 years war ( 1618-1648 ) put payed to Catholic hubris.
....Marxism was and is fantasy based. It has failed where it's tried. Outlawing ideas and methods that insure our liberty will result in our own war. These folks won't stop, it's their one true religion.
...We are one John Brown/ Harper's Ferry from action overcoming rhetoric. Parabellum.
Maybe if the states stopped their catch and release policies for dangerous criminals they wouldn't have to worry about imaginary guns?