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Get woke, go broke
Dick's Sporting CEO estimates the company lost a quarter BILLION dollars over its antigun position, but still feels it was the right thing to do. I wonder if his shareholders agree?
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Indeed. How is it that the SEC has not investigated this deliberate deprecation of shareholder value?
The trouble with a stockholder of Dick's trying to sue over this deliberate vaporization of shareholder value is twofold. First, the stockholder needs a lawyer, and if you think lawyers as a breed tend commie and hoplophobe (our distinguished host excepted, of course), the stockholder plaintiff's bar has that tendency in spades. Their mercenary greed may overcome this, but the second problem is that the obvious line of defense is that destroying all those Evil Black Rifles isn't corporate waste, we did it for public safety and for Teh Children, it's no different than cutting a big check to the Southern Poverty Law Center or Illegal Mayors Against Americans.
The CEO should change his name to Ben Dover.
The message to similar companies is clear: don't be Dick's.
It would be interesting to know how Dick's "lost" $250 million dollars. His total revenue rose from 7.4Bn to 8.2Bn from YE '16 through YE '19. Net income (pre-tax) bumped along but did drop from $330MM to $310MM (same periods.)
Perhaps his sales did not increase as fast as he thought they would, but his net pre-tax would not necessarily have increased by $250MM in that 4 years, as his interest expense took a big jump during that period.
So what was the basis for his "We lost" comment??
Stack has rumbled about getting into the Presidential race; I suggest that he's exaggerating his "losses" to build sympathy.
See financials here: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/DKS/financials
He's the majority stock holder, iirc...
It would be interesting to see if any shareholder action has been filed.