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Uploaded my law review article critiquing anti-2A history
Right here.
Some of these people (including many with "Prof" in front of their name, are really outrageous.
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Yes, good read David.
I became a (very) amateur 2A "scholar" in the early 90's though my first foray into it was in 73 as a Junior in HS when I won the District Championship in Oratory with a speech about it.
But for years since the 90's I've struggled to understand the curious militia clause of the 2A.
And although I agree in a broad sense that it was meant to protect the militia system in reality it was nothing more than a "consolation prize" to the anti-Federalists.
Because the militia clause has no teeth, and changed not one whit of the power relationship between Congress, the States, and the militia, all it is really doing is expressing the idea of the anti-Federalists that feared the standing army and preferred to rely on the militia.
And I've seen no one except Malcolm express it in such a clear manner (I re-read her book recently and was gratified to find her confirmation of what I though was my original idea).
The anti-Federalists did get their desires for a Bill of Rights met, but that lost at every turn to prevent the bane of a standing army.
And the militia clause of the 2A may be the only phrase in the Constitution that is actually without any effect whatsoever.
Excellent article.
I have encountered the exact same thing when reading articles about the history of self defense (duty to retreat). Finding the original text shows so many out of context quotes which say the exact opposite.
2 things I noticed you may or may not want to correct...
pg 4 "The Joyce Foundation, which supports firearms legislation"
This sounds like they are pro firearm when they are the opposite.
pg 8 your footnote formatting from page 7 continues into your paragraph at the top of page 8. it starts with "able to locate seventeen of those sources" and continues to the end of that paragraph.
Excellent read. Thank you!