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Thought for the day
Posted by David Hardy · 21 January 2017 08:38 AM
"The poor federal courts are overworked. We need to add more judges. A lot more judges."
Maybe we just need to only have constitutional federal laws! The Constitution only grants about 6 police/punishment/criminal powers to Congress. Since the 1798 Virginia and Kentucky Resolves, no actual criminal powers have been added. All amendments have enforcement clauses BUT every amendment I have reviewed enforces itself against the States NOT against individuals. Thus there should only be the six criminal laws based on the power to punish counterfeiting, the power to punish piracies on the High Seas, the power to punish felonies on the High Seas, the power to punish offenses against the law of nation, the power to secure copyright and patent, and the power to punish treason. Under these constitutional considerations, the federal courts would not be involved in adjudicating murder, rape, bank robbery, and thousands of other areas left to state authorities. The bans on everything today are unconstitutional for if the feds had banning power there was never a need for the 18th and 21st amendments. But because the 18th was required in order for Congress to ban booze, equivalent amendments are required for Congress to ban drugs, guns, and everything else. Just saying.