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Firearm Policy Coalition educates a California legislator
Video here. For some reason, the bill was withdrawn.
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The cash was the cash they expected from Bloomberg for writing a new gun control law that would be exploited until a court case forced the law to be declared too vague. The politician gets nailed either way for being stupid: either for writing the bill in the first place or actually getting it passed only to eventually see it suspended. The gun control movement gets everything since they show how easy it is for them to get anything put forward in the legislature and then use it as a stick against gun owners.
Sadly, it doesn't take Bloomberg money to motivate those Commiefornia jackals to attack gun rights.
Commiefornia is the Mordor of gun control. They've been at it since the 1980's. It is the HQ of well financed and cunning anti-gun lobbying groups like the LCAV.
Commiefornia is the front line of gun control in America. What happens here first, the anti-gunners then try to export to the rest of the nation.
True enough Bloomberg is the primary energizer behind national gun control efforts today. But if Bloomberg vanished, that would do nothing to save the poor souls trapped behind enemy lines inside Commiefornia.
Nothing like make them look stupid to have them change their minds...or cash.