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BATF report on firearms manufacture
Right here. Very interesting trends. In 1986, a total of three million firearms were produced. In 2013, it was well over ten million. Pistols (here used to mean semiauto handguns) totaled over four million in 2013 -- so the number of handguns made in that year was greater than total firearms production in 1986. Total gun production doubled, repeat doubled, between 2010 and 2013.
Looking at Exhibit 1a, by the early 2000s, production was about what it'd been in the late 1980s, with about the same distribution except that the proportion of revolvers had declined. The current surge in production began in about 2005-2006, and became spectacular after 2010. The only product that hasn't expanded much is shotguns. Everything else, rifles, handguns, and "misc. arms," have had their production greatly increase. Even "miscellaneous firearms" went from 4,000 to 495,000 over 1986-2013.
(2013 is the latest year reported -- reports are delayed since manufacturers want exact production figures treated as trade secrets and kept quiet for a time).
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They don't refer to President Obama as the greatest gun salesman in the world merely because he looks good in a suit.
....It's only American for illegals to want to own a gun. Pistols first, as they are so concealable and transportable. And cheap. For every new one made and registered, many older ones pass off the books into the real gun market. Like older beater cars, the registered owner is many real owners back in line. Often, he's dead and buried and any memory of who was in the line of succession is gone.
...The 1968 fiction that guns could be tracked and traced if we only went through registered dealers is the usual Utopian crap Liberals invent to parallel reality. I suppose that's why dollar bills have numbers printed on them. To extend the pretend that they are being counted and are accountable somewhere.
...But as long as the Batfkrs are counting, they're not much of a threat to gunowners.