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Clinton, Brady Center try to Bern Sanders
Brady Campaign accuses Sanders of supporting "one of the most evil pieces of special interest legislation passed in this nation in decades" -- the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act." He responds by saying she's choosing to push gun control in New Hampshire, while downplaying the issue in Iowa.
Richard Nixon used to say that in Republican politics you ran to the right in a primary, to win the nomination, then ran back toward the center, to win the general election. On the gun issue, tho, I think both Demos have run so far to the antigun side that there is no coming back or hedging their position in the general.
Bernie Sanders Pledges To Repeal Pro-Gun Law He Helped Pass
Sanders said that he will co-sponsor legislation to repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), a law passed by Congress in 2005 that shields gun manufacturers from liability in lawsuits over gun violence.