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HSUS loses charity rating
Charity Navigator just revoked their rating and put a "donor advisory" alert in its place. This comes in the wake of a $15 million payout to settle an extortion and bribery suit, and moving $26 million to offshore accounts.
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I'm frequently appalled by the number of people I know - intelligent people - who fall for this nonsense. I'm sick to death of being told I should watch Blackfish, and that our town need to replace our animal shelter (the one we have is clean, warm and safe). And the vegans! I have to stop typing now before I have an aneurysm..
I have to say that I have been seeing a lot of commercials, think they are ASCPA, that look exactly like this and they are so well done that you feel guilty when you don't call right away. I support my local town shelter who does good work but never a more global organization.
So, when will the IRS pull their 501(c)(3) certification?
I read the article. Seems like the main issue is whether donor contributions will have to be used to cover their big legal duty (debt) in the bogus lawsuits about circus elephants that were not actually mistreated. The society says insurance will end up covering most of it, but that could take years to sort out. It makes sense that donors would not want to support a charity in that unfortunate situation.
These HSUS sleeze bags swooped into Maine with millions of dollars to use our "citizens initiative" process to ban Bear Hunting in the 2014 midterm election.. as their first step to try to ban hunting in general... fortunately, they lost, but I heard today they are coming back again for a second try... they used such slimy signature getting methods that Maine is now in the process of plugging the holes that allowed them to get the required signatures (they used the same signature collecting "consultants" as were used in Washington State and now in NV and AZ for the background check BS)... I sent this today to the Sportsmans Alliance of Maine so they can start trumpeting what these POSs really are.. They had not heard this, so thanks for the info!!!
Can the ASPCA be far behind? Hopefully not.