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Why the CDC isn't funding antigun propaganda just now...
It's because it fears what Congress would do to its budget if it did.
Good. All the solid work in this field was done decades ago by criminologists. They've had a lot to say about the CDC's produce, and none of it is good. The medical studies being cranked out ignored basic principles of criminology, and did not deal with prior criminological studies.
I found several that concluded that gun density (percent of households with guns) were positively related to gun fatality rates. The logical problem: they estimated gun density by percent of suicides that involved firearms, and measured gun fatalities to include suicide (which far outnumber murders, and make up about 60% of the total). So their real conclusion was: where guns are more often used in suicide, guns are more often used in suicide. Well, yes.
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Well, if they didn't do gun research they would have to work on Ebola or some other disease which takes actual skills.
Here in PA there is a new effort sponsored by the CDC and another organization called - Safe State's - and funded by private anti-gun foundations just starting up.
The CDC is doing an end run around the funding issue by using private money.
The focus is the same, gun violence, and health professionals are featured predominantly with PA State anti-gun groups being one of the first on the list invited to participate - CeaseFire PA and Mom's Demand Action.
The fact that they want to do "gun" research, rather than "violence" research, tells me everything I need to know.