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CA: antigun Kamala Harris bids to replace antigun Sen. Boxer
So reports Dave Workman. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
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Clarification of "Obama (election fraud means that he never has been the US president but is impersonating one)"
-- The 2008 Democratic Nominating Committee (DNC) document did not include the normal language stating that Obama was qualified to be a candidate. The 2008 Republican Nominating Committee (RNC) document did, as is normal. This shows that the DNC knew that Obama was not qualified, or why change the form?
-- South Bend, Indiana jury found that Election Fraud put BOTH Obama and Hillary Clinton on the presidential primary ballot in Indiana in the 2008 election.
What is funny is no one north of LA wants her, Harris, anymore then we wanted Boxer.
But the elections in California, and from research I believe this to be also true in most other states, are rampantly fraudulent.
Until we take back our elections people will continue to be placed into office that do not represent the people as they are lawfully required.
But then, lawyers and attorneys also ignore constitutions as the laws they are, with the US Constitution and all that is in Pursuance thereof it being the supreme LAW that ALL laws in THIS nation must follow. With each state Constitution being the highest LAW of that state except in the few instances that it conflicts with the US Constitution. That both are the contracts that those who serve within our governments are REQUIRED to take a solemn and legally binding Oath (Perjury and other crimes if broken) that they will support and defend and when they do not we cannot get anything "legally done".
That is why they, the judges, and pretty much all other members of the "legal" profession are not respected or trusted.
Then of course, there is the complete and utter disregard by all who are members of one sort or another within the "justice"/"law" field of First Degree Murder continually being practiced as "assassination powers" by Obama (election fraud means that he never has been the US president but is impersonating one) the "secret" courts, etc.
Can you answer me why this goes on here?