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Shaking my head...
How many mistakes can the AP make in one short story? "Stand your ground" was not an issue in the Montana shooting. Nor in the George Zimmerman case. I'm sure Montana law, prior to the amendment, allowed self-defense in cases there was no tumultuous entry into a house (as in, if outside the house, or in the house if there is a reasonable fear of death or great bodily injury). "Stand your ground" laws do not give "a person the right to use force or threaten to use force to protect his or her own home from unlawful entry or attack."
That's a pretty good list of errors for a twelve-sentence story.
Mistakes? I greatly fear that no mistakes were made and that the mis-information published was done so quite intentionally. (which, of course, then makes it DIS-information)
J.F. Wolfington
Wilmington, DE