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MAIG and Mastercard planned to intimidate gun makers
I discovered that Judicial Watch used NY Public Records laws (and a lawsuit) to get the city-maintained records of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which was from the outset hosted on NY City servers. There are some interesting documents in there that I will post from time to time. This one is an email exchange (read bottom message first) between Mark Glaze, director of MAIG, and John Feinblatt, head of Everytown for Gun Safety, both being of course Bloomberg creations. Feinblatt reports that the gun manufacturers will be at some manner of negotiations and it is necessary to weaken them beforehand, and Glaze replies that Mastercard is willing to help. Sounds like an early, and nongovernmental, form of Operation Chokepoint.
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Some of the emails are the same that Florida Carry got from the Orlando Mayor's office. Interesting stuff.
Could this conduct be reached by a 42 U.S.C. Section 1985 lawsuit, for conspiracy to deprive of civil rights? Bloomberg and his minions look like State actors, Mastercard looks like the Ku Klux Klan, and gun owners look like freedmen, with 2A rights rather than 15A rights at stake.
Some of those business owners who were harmed may take heed. If they can show damages or a Civil Rights violation.
i would LOVE LOVE LOVE someone to file a RICO action naming Bloomberg and the City of New York as Defendenat. Make it a class action, perhaps file it InMontana or Wyoming or even Georgia or Tennessee and hit that piece of shit Bloomberg for treble damages. Bankrupt his racist ass
Are you participating in the crowd-sourcing for scouring JW FOIA document dumps?
We do send JW some money periodically, and it's more than paying off.