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Data dump on Fast & Furious
Story here. It's the DoJ memos on how to manipulate the press.
"I've talked to NYT, NBC and NPR --gave them all this. NBC not likely to go. Still waiting on other two."
"No stories..From NYT, AP, Reuters, WaPo, NBC, Bloomberg ... I"m also calling Sharryl"s editor and reaching out to Scheiffer. She's out of control"
Reply: "Good. Her piece was really bad for AG. Why do you think nobody else wrote? Were they not fed the docs?...And I sent NJ's Susan Davis your way. She's writing on Issa/FandF and I said you could load her up on the leaks, etc."
Can't find it now, but one key thing pointed out somewhere is that this is the only reference to Ms. Atkinson in the entire doc dump.. Why? Because her name was misspelled (Sharryl, not Sharyl) in this E-mail and therefore missed being purged before the release..