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Sometimes, you have to declare victory and give up
The government of Mexico has announced it is demobilizing the vigilante movement against drug cartels there.
Under the demobilization agreement, the ranchers and farmers will keep their now-illegal guns, the government will proclaim the gun legal, and they will be organized into the rurales.
"The new rural forces are designed to be a way out of an embarrassing situation, in which elected leaders and law enforcement agencies lost control of the entire state to the pseudo-religious Knights Templar drug cartel. Efforts to retake control with federal police and military failed. Eventually government forces had to rely on the vigilantes because of their knowledge of where to find the cartel gunmen.
Since the commissioner, Alfredo Castillo, was named in January, federal forces have arrested or killed three of the main leaders of the Knights Templar. The fourth, Servando "La Tuta" Gomez, is in hiding and rumored to be in the rugged hills outside his hometown of Arteaga."
A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state...
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