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Articles of capitulation at Yorktown, 1781
Just came across them. This was indeed war of the 18th century. They were rather tough terms: the British had to march out with the flags cases instead of flying, and had to play one of their own marching tunes, instead of one of their opponents'. Officers and men will keep their private property, and it will not be inspected. Officers will be allowed to keep one servant each, and be allowed to return to England if they give their parole. A captured sloop will be lent to Gen. Cornwallis, but will become French property upon its return. Traders will be allowed three months to sell off their inventory.
Interesting document! I think it has to be read carefully - I believe this originated with Cornwallis, with some terms modified by the Americans. for example, Article XI, paragraph 15 the British proposed that the Americans furnish all the medicines and supplies for the treatment of the British wounded - the American response in paragraph 16 was that while hospital facilties would be provided, the supplies would be British. In this case, I think seeing the handwritten original might be illuminating..:-)