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The mentality we have to deal with
For some time, Pierce College (a Los Angeles community college) had offered firearm safety courses. Now, the trustees of the college have have ended the course by banning all guns, including unloaded ones, from all campuses. The explanations given:
""The one thing we wanted to prevent was Pierce College being the Wild Wild West,” said Scott Svonkin, a trustee with the Los Angeles Community College District, author of the anti-gun resolution passed this month.
“By preventing guns on campus, I wanted to prevent people who took the class from shooting a horse or cow on campus.”
"Proponents of the ban emphasized they weren’t against guns or gun ownership. They said it was simply unsafe to have guns in the presence of thousands of students on college campuses, adding that even an unloaded weapon seen from outside a classroom could spark panic, a 911 call or a police SWAT response."
But ....
"The district’s new policy permits only fake weapons used during a theatrical performance or real cops with guns."
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Hey - how much safer can you be... NOT!
The title of this story tells it all.
There is something very wrong when "even an unloaded weapon seen from outside a classroom could spark panic, a 911 call or a police SWAT response." If this is the case, the teachers at this institution should all be subject to be replaced. Normal people do not "panic" at the sight of a gun. Normal people do not make false statements to 911 operators. And SWAT teams should not be called out on a normal, see if there may be some kind of issue call. Seeing a citizen with a gun should cause people to think that they are safer. After all guns prevent violence more than 2.5 million times a year.
If there is an active shooter, there will be no misunderstanding about the intent of the criminal. Otherwise normal people assume that the person is going about his business and has no ill will toward anyone.
And we wonder why mass killings happen in schools where only the bad guys have weapons and victims have no way to resist.
Funny. The myth of the "wild west" continues. It really wasn't that wild.
With magic like that, why do they have any problems at all? They've totally prevented guns on the campuses, because, you know, that one last rule will send the mad gunman home in despair. This gives me much confidence in higher education!
Years ago there was this video about gun free zones and this bad guy breaks into a home and points a gun at a little old lady who then points to a gun free zone. At that point the guy just throws up his hands and leaves. This happens a couple more times and the video ends with some sort of tag line that this is how the left views the world.
Very funny and excellent at making the point
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If that community college is like most, many people pursuing degrees in administration of justice/ public safety/ etc get their firearms safety courses there. So:
People learning the skills needed to become COPS in the future are denied the means to learn how to be The Only Ones Trained Enough to have guns in public.
So they're banning gun safety classes in the name of gun safety.
Wait... What???