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NRA attendance
Word is that attendance at this meeting was 86,000 people, exceeding the previous record, set last year, of 73,000.
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so lets see 86,000 minus 53 is...
a hell of a lot more than them :)
It was a great show and turnout. There were families with kids and just about every age group you can imagine. Also, like just about every gun show that I go to or work, the people were extremely polite and well-behaved. I barely noticed the "protesters" when we arrived and promptly got in line to meet The Gunny, Team Glock (Michelle Viscusi & Tori Nonaka) as well as Jesse Duff. The show was a huge success and I hope that we host it again at some point in the future.
But there were 53 protesters out front!!
-Bill Wiese
San Jose CA