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The Demos plan for the Senate
Via Instapundit, here is the likely Demo plan to get gun control thru the Senate. Start with the Toomey-Manchin bill, sold as a bipartisan compromise. Allow the AW ban and a ban on magazines to be proposed as amendments, watch them get shot down.
Vulnerable Demo Senators can vote for the first, then vote against the AW and magazine amendments, then portray themselves as pro-gun. Obama can (1) take credit for a victory, (2) blame the Repubs for it not having been bigger, and (3) portray any who voted against all three members as radicals. The media can be counted upon to promote all these objectives.
Tell the pro gun Democrats that if they vote for the background check bill that there will be an add at their next election that says they voted for a bill to keep government records of where their guns are so the government can come confiscate them and to add expensive paperwork to make gun buying more expensive. Say they could have just had background checks to prevent criminals from buying guns but they insisted that the government get records of what guns you have so the Democrats can confiscate them later. Background checks are one thing, required record keeping of the transfers is entirely another. Background checks can be easily done while the seller and the guns remain unrecorded. Recording the guns at a dealer is expensive and unneeded for a background check.
Also the Republicans should threaten to allow a vote on the background checks but prevent a vote on magazines and assault weapons. That way the traitorous Democrats will face the consequences of their vote for registration(AKA background checks) without getting the chance to cover themselves by voting for magazines and assault weapons.