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Heckler's Veto
In First Amendment circles, it's called the "heckler's veto." You must cancel your own peaceful exercise of freedom of speech, because your opponents are thugs and might get violent over your message.
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Hm, seems like that rally could have resulted in the start of the second American Civil War...
Fabrication is remarkable. The Cuomo Goon Squad disappeared mainly because I do believe that a municipal labor organization is PROHIBITED from partisan politicking. They were looking at a federal injunction to prevent their attendance. Second, I wouldn't be surprised to see an "incident" occur where a planted person creates an act of violence with a gun in an attempt to discredit pro gunners. There would be lots of video running.
All in all, strange antics indeed for Cuomo & Co claims only 11% of New Yorkers oppose his SAFE Act.
As I write 46 New York County Governments have officially opposed the SAFE Act. I believe that’s more than “11%”. I presume the 46-county residents to be "irrelevant" to this crew. They don't understand that there are hundreds, tens of thousands who don't buy their agenda.
This may not be on Main Stream Media, but the above is the situation.
Another factor is that a lot of pro-gun people were signing up for the bus seats and meals that were to be bringing people to the rally, seems they didn't have any controls over who could sign up to go...