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Wayne LaPierre's speech of today
Transcript here The mass media are going to be hopping mad over this one, so it's best to read it as it was given, and compare it to what you'll hear tonight or read tomorrow.
UPDATE: no need to wait until tonight. The Washpo just gave it a one-sentence summary: "National Rifle Association’s CEO: Another Conn.-type shooter is waiting in the wings."
UPDATE: A reporter posts that "Reporters on my Twitter feed seem to hate the NRA more than anything else, ever." A few samples:
"LaPierre as delusional as any dictator. His speech against music videos, hurricanes has the feel of a Castro rant or Mugabe tirade."
"No two ways about: This is gross, awful, dishonest."
"This is nuts."
5 Comments | Leave a comment
If armed guards are good enough for Obama's kids, good enough for me...
It was a good speech, very logical. Is that why the mainstream media are bludgeoning it?
Am I wrong in my perception that a lot of people on the left seem incapable of understanding a statement more complicated than a bumper sticker?
Alot of spin. between Friday's NRA press conference and today, Sunday.
NRA Conference and presentation very effective, any person being honest knows armed person would have stopped the Ct Shooting. Also, if Mother had survived, she would have been prosecuted.
Gov't Officials and anti-gun media don't like the thought their dislike for guns created vulnerable targets and as such there is blood on their hands. These folks are most angry at NRA stating we protect our money, banks, sports events, Gov't buildings and politicians with guns, but not our children. Politicos and Anti's have no where to hide from this statement.
I saw this level of din before with the Vietnam War Debates. There seems to be "invincible, dogmatic, self-rightous ignorance" and fierce resistance when a faction sees their failed policy hitting them square. IMHO this is what I see with the present anti's response.
If armed guards are good enough for Obama's kids, good enough for me...