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I find this hiliarious!
The Federal courts have all gone to electronic filing, in a system which I regard as a disaster. For example, there are three different systems, each with different protocols for user names and passwords... one system is for filing in District Court, another for filing in Courts of Appeals, and a third if you want to download a document rather than file it. And there is no uniformity court-to-court. If you can file in the First Circuit, and want to file in the Second Circuit (including file a motion for admission to its bar), you have register with the Second Circuit before you can file there.
I'm admitted to the US District Court for the District of Columbia. They just sent out an email asking everyone to take a tutorial or a webinar on electronic filing. And in it is the following -- and remember, this is the District Court of DC --
The WebEx web conferencing website is not accessible to DOJ attorneys/staff due to internet blocks set in place by your IT department, therefore you are unable to register for a webinar training class or participate in the WebEx training room session itself. "
I'm as disgusted by the DOJ as anybody but if it was the IT department that blocked Webex it's probably because of security reasons. Most people think of Webex as a conferencing tool, but a person can also hand over control of their computer to someone on a Webex conference, the genesis for potentially huge security problems, from an IT perspective.