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Here's what I'd been working on...
I wasn't doing much blogging for several days, in order to produce this. It's filed in the Woollard case, which challenges the Maryland carry permit's being based on amorphous standards that amount to "we can deny permits to anyone, or grant them to almost anyone, so unless you're a good buddy, don't bother applying for one."
It's a BIG pdf that takes about 30 seconds to download. That's because there's 20+ pages of scanned paperwork in it.
UPDATE: Here's the brief it was opposing. Again, a big pdf. Both are online courtesy of Gene Hoffman of CalGuns. Here's a link to all, or I think all, the briefs filed.
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Do you have a link to the brief filed by the historians supporting reversal in Woollard?
David, excellent work.
If you're actually using Adobe Acrobat to produce your PDF's, check out the "Document", "Reduce File Size" function. I just ran it on your file and reduced it from 10MB to 3MB with no noticeable decrease in quality. I only point it out since you mentioned the file size.
Great work, and thank you for taking the time to produce this!
David, congrats and thanks again for another great brief.
Thanks for all your work on this!